Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Room

Well I suppose that if I am going to have a hobby blog then I had better get some posting done, and this post will be a brief bit about my own little oasis in the sea of chaos, mainly due to the kids, that is my home.
I count myself as part of the lucky group of wargaming enthusiasts who has their own dedicated room in their home. Indeed one of the selling points of the house was that it had a large room that could be sectioned off from the kids to house my addiction, I think it might have been my wife trying to stop me from exposing my kids and corrupting them.
The Room is an extension on the back of the house that was originally intended as a disabled bedroom, which for me is awesome. It is large, has it's own dedicated bathroom and is reasonably well lit, thus it was claimed for my own.
Currently The Room contains my gaming table, an eight by four foot piece of MDF on top of a second hand dining table, painting table, which has far too many unfinished projects on it and my currently inadequate amount of shelving.
My painting table
Gaming table, table for random crap and one of the shelves
The other two shelves
I am hoping in the next few weeks or months that I will be able to some more shelves so that I can start storing my scenery properly rather than just leaving it on the table and scattered around the room.
Anyway that's enough of me rambling about The Room, if you have any feedback or comments please feel free to leave them at the bottom of the post.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Podcast in sight

Over the past year and a half or so a good friend of mine, Giles, and I have been discussing starting up a podcast about our mutual and self reinforcing obsession with miniature games. Well after a bit of a halting start during the middle of last year due to increased family commitments and work we are finally have decent recording schedule.

We have teamed up with the awesome people over at Inverse Genius and have added our podcast to their great lineup: On Minis Games (here is the RSS feed for those that way inclined)

The first three episodes are up and apparently sound good, for some reason I can't quite listen to myself yet, thank god Giles does the editing.

So please click the link, head over and have a listed to Giles and I talk about all things miniature gaming....................... well not really all things yet, there are only three episodes up.

I don't have a problem! I can quit anytime I want to, I just don't want to!

Welcome to my blog about my slight addiction to wargaming, miniatures and also whatever else happens to take my fancy to post up here.
First a little bit about myself, my name is Quinton Sung, I am a husband and father in my mid-thirties, with an extremely tolerant wife, three little girls who swing from being angels to devils faster than I can keep track of and a reasonable sized hobby room that I can escape to from time to time with a child gate on the door. I drive a white van for a living doing pickups and deliveries which keeps me out of trouble and also means my job is never boring and I'm not stuck behind a desk.
As I mentioned in the first sentence this blog will primarily focused on my addiction to resin, plastic and metal toy soldiers, buying them, painting them (sometimes) and, the part I enjoy the most, playing games with them.
Well that is pretty much me, now the plan is to post up on a regular basis, but as all good generals know no plan survives contact with the enemy!